ISCI is a cross-disciplinary research centre working to further our understanding of state crime: organisational deviance violating human rights

Launch: The Rendition Project


The Rendition Project is led by Dr Ruth Blakeley (University of Kent) and Dr Sam Raphael (University of Kingston), and is funded by the UK’s Economic and Social Research Council. It is aimed at analysing the global system of rendition, secret detention and torture, initiated by the Bush administration as part of the ‘War on Terror’. Working closely with Reprieve, a UK based legal action charity which has led the way in investigating secret prisons and representing victims of rendition and torture, The Rendition Project aims to bring together and analyse the huge amount of data in the public domain on the global rendition system.

The recently launched Rendition Project website is designed to act as a hub for accessing data relating to the global system of rendition and secret detention. The website contains comprehensive timelines of key events, detailed analysis of the key issues, and an extensive library of governmental and intergovernmental reports and inquiries, as well as major investigative reports by NGOs and others working in the field.

Work is continuing throughout 2012, and the website will eventually feature:

  • detailed profiles and analysis of detention facilities used by the US and its partners
  • detainee profiles, tracking their detention, movement and treatment within the system
  • access to hundreds of key primary documents
  • key data from the world’s largest database of flights by CIA aircraft connected to rendition, compiled by The Rendition Project from all public source information about the rendition programme
  • profiles of the aircraft used to move detainees from site to site and the companies that were involved in operating these aircraft

For further information, please visit The Rendition Project’s website.