State Crime Journal Vol. 13, No. 1

State Crime Vol. 13, No. 1 (2024) – open access
Operation Gukurahundi: A Policy of Genocidal Rape and Sexual Violence in Zimbabwe, 1983–1984 – Hazel Cameron
Closing the Borders to End Human Trafficking: Moral Panic and the New Official State Politics on the Refugee Crisis in Greece – Dimitra Mareta
Zionist Philanthropy and Palestinian Erasure: and the Mizrachi Organization of Canada – Miles Howe
The Outsourcing of State Security: A Case Study of US Intervention in Laos, 1962–1975 – Gabrielle Nugent-Stephens & Rachel Monaghan
Book Reviews
M. Evans, Tackling Torture: Prevention in Practice, reviewed by Rosa Freedman
L. McKeown, Time Shadows: A Prison Memoir, reviewed by Jade Moran
S. Salman, The Shaming State: How the US Treats Citizens in Need, reviewed by Cydney Sheridan