David O. Friedrichs
Friends of ISCIDavid O. Friedrichs is Professor of Sociology/Criminal Justice and Distinguished University Fellow at the University of Scranton (Pennsylvania, USA). He is author of Trusted Criminals: White Collar Crime in Contemporary Society (Thomson/Wadsworth 1996; 2004; 2007; 2010) and Law in Our Lives: An Introduction (Oxford University Press, 2001; 2006) and editor of State Crime, Volumes I and II (Ashgate/Dartmouth 1998). He has published well over 100 journal articles, book chapters, encyclopedia entries and essays, and well over 300 book reviews. He has been a visiting professoor guest lecturer at many colleges and universities, including the University of South Africa and Flinders University in Australia. He served as Editor of Legal Studies Forum (1985-1989) and President of the White Collar Crime Research Consortium (2002-2004). In November, 2005, he received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Division on Critical Criminology of the American Society of Criminology.
Text chapters:
Chapter 5, Governmental Crime: State Crime and Political White Collar Crime, pp.127-158;
Chapter 6, State-Corporate Crime, Crimes of Globalization, and Finance Crime, pp.159-191. Trusted Criminals: White Collar Crime in Contemporary Society. Fourth edition. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth/Cengage. 2010.
Edited books:
State Crime, Volume I: Defining, Delineating and Explaining State Crime. Aldershot, Great Britain: Ashgate. 1998.
State Crime, Volume II: Exposing, Sanctioning and Preventing State Crime. Aldershot, Great Britain: Ashgate. 1998.
Book chapters:
—, State Crime or Governmental Crime: Making Sense of the Conceptual Confusion. pp. 53-80, in Jeffrey Ian Ross, Editor. Controlling State Crime An Introduction. New York: Garland Publishing. 1995. Second edition. New Brunswick, NJ: Transaction
Books. 2000.
—, Crime in High Places: A Criminological Perspective on the Clinton Case. pp. 281-300, in Jeffery T. Ulmer, Editor. Sociology of Crime, Law and Deviance. Amsterdam/New York: JAI/Elsevier Science. 2000.
—, State-Corporate Crime in a Globalized World: Myth or Major Challenge. pp. 53-71, in Gary W. Potter, Editor. Current Controversies in White Collar Crime. Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Publishing Co. 2002.
David Kauzlarich and David O. Friedrichs, Crimes of the State. Pp. 109-120, in Martin D. Schwartz and Suzanne Hatty, Editors. Current Controversies in Critical Criminology. Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Publishing Co. 2003.
— Towards a Criminology of International Crimes: Producing a Conceptual and Contextual Framework. Pp. 29-50, in Alette Smeulers and Roelof Haveman, Editors. Supranational Criminology: Towards a Criminology of International Crimes. Antwerp: Intersentia. 2008.
— The Crime of the Last Century and of This Century? In Dawn L. Rothe and Christopher Mullins, Editors. State Crime. New Brusnswick, NJ: Rutgers University
Press. Forthcoming.
—, Towards a Prospective Criminology of State Crime. In Raymond J. Michalowski, William J. Chambliss and Ronald Kramer, Editors. State Crime in a Global Age. Devon, United Kingdom: Willan Press. Forthcoming.
Journal articles:
—, Violence and the Politics of Crime. Social Research 48 (1981): 135-156.
—, Victimology: A Consideration of the Radical Critique, Crime & Delinquency 29 (1983): 283-294.
—, The Nuclear Arms Issue and the Field of Criminal Justice. The Justice Professional 1 (1985): 5-9.
—, Law in South Africa and the Legitimacy Crisis. International Journal of Comparative and Applied Criminal Justice 14 (1990): 189-199.
— Governmental Crime, Hitler, and White Collar Crime: A Problematic Relationship. Caribbean Journal of Criminology and Social Psychology 1 (1996/1997): 351-366.
—, The Crime of the Century? The Case for the Holocaust. Crime, Law & Social Change 34: 21-41.
— and Jessica Friedrichs, The World Bank and Crimes of Globalization: A Case Study. Social Justice 29 (2002): 13-36. Dawn L. Rothe and David O. Friedrichs, The State of the Criminology of Crimes of the State. Social Justice 33 (2006): 147-161.
—, Political Corruption as White Collar Crime: A Globalized Framework. Monatsschrift fuer Kriminologie und Stratrechtsreform 2 (2007): 91-102.
—, Transnational Crime and Global Criminology: Definitional, Typological and Contextual Conundrums. Social Justice 34 (2007): 4-18. David O. Friedrichs and Martin D. Schwartz, Editors Introduction: On Social Harm and a Twenty-First Century Criminology. Crime, Law & Social Change 48 (2007): 1-7.
—, On Resisting State Crime: Conceptual and Contextual Issues, Social Justice, forthcoming.