ISCI is a cross-disciplinary research centre working to further our understanding of state crime: organisational deviance violating human rights

1/2012: A Chair of Criminology at the French National Council of Universities: State driven criminology, threat centred approaches, and the lack of academic credibility

Author: Knut Fournier

Abstract: The recent elevation of criminology’s status to an independent discipline in France is politically motivated and state-driven.  It follows the principles dictated by Alain Bauer, former security advisor of President Nicolas Sarkozy, and indeed shared by the President himself, both of whom favour research on criminality only to arrest criminals.  Their vision of criminology is designed to address urban criminality and blue collar crime, while failing to recognize crimes perpetrated by powerful state elites and companies.

Read the Full Paper: 1/2012: A Chair of Criminology at the French National Council of Universities: State driven criminology, threat centred approaches, and the lack of academic credibility