Official Opening Session: Permanent People’s Tribunal on Myanmar’s State Crimes against Rohingya, Kachin and other Groups

Media Advisory
Official Opening Session:
Permanent People’s Tribunal on Myanmar’s State Crimes against Rohingya, Kachin and other Groups
Host: International State Crime Initiative, School of Law, Queen Mary University of London, Mile End Road, E1 4NS
6th -7th March 2017
LONDON: On the 6th and 7th March, representatives of Rohingya and Kachin victim groups will present first-hand, live and recorded, testimonies about crimes committed by the Myanmar state against their groups to the Rome-based Permanent People’s Tribunal. They will bring forth the charges that the Myanmar government is committing crimes, such as war crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide.
Additionally, expert witnesses from around the world, including Professor Penny Green (Queen Mary University of London), Dr Mandy Sadan (School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London), Azril Mohamed Amin (Centre for Human Rights Research and Advocacy, Malaysia), will testify on specific crimes and/or the historical context of grave violations under international law.
Video-recorded testimonies of Rohingya rape victims, who recently fled to Bangladesh, will also be presented to the Panel of Jury.
The Dalai Lama has issued a formal statement, which will be released during the Press Conference of the Opening Sessions, on Tuesday 7th March. The Tibetan Buddhist leader disclosed that he has ‘privately communicated to Nobel Laureate ad Burmese leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi’ about his concerns regarding the persecution of the Rohingya.
Among the initial Panel of Jury, are Prof Daniel Feierstein, renowned genocide scholar and former President of the International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS), Dr Helen Jarvis, former Public Affairs Officer at the Khmer Rouge Tribunal, and Denis Halliday, UN Assistant Secretary-General (1994-98) and winner of Gandhi International Peace Award 2003.
The inaugural session in London will be hosted at, and webcast live from, the International State Crime Initiative of Queen Mary University of London, on 6th March (1000 GMT to 1800 GMT) and 7th March (0900 GMT – 1200 GMT). The opening session will end with a press conference at 1200 GMT. An announcement about the full and final session to be held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, will be made at the end of Tuesday’s proceedings.
Notes to Editors:
The tribunal sessions which are open to public, can be viewed live at and followed on twitter @MyanmarTribunal, #MyanmarTribunal
The People’s Tribunal on Myanmar has been endorsed by over 20 Rohingya, Kachin and Burmese organizations worldwide, International State Crime Initiative of Queen Mary University of London, S. Africa’s Protect the Rohingya Campaign, Genocide Watch, Burma Task Force USA, Malaysian human rights networks such as the International Movement for a Just World and Centre for Human Rights Research and Advocacy (Centhra), and individual genocide prevention campaigners including Youk Chhang of Cambodia.
The Tribunal is a people’s initiative, made possible by the generous support of the International State Crime Initiative, Queen Mary University of London, individual activists: Mark Sampson, Ko Aung, the Rohingya community in London, and Burma Task Force (USA).
NB All sessions to be held in Room 313 Laws Building, Mile End Campus E1 4NS
All 1.5 day sessions to be webcast LIVE by Oxford Digital Media:
Webcast can be viewed on the official Tribunal website at:
Tribunal proceedings may be followed on twitter @MyanmarTribunal #MyanmarTribunal
Contact email:
Dr Gianni Tognoni, Permanent People’s Tribunal, Rome, Italy at +39 (0) 3471824914
Dr Thomas McManus, International State Crimes Initiative, Queen Mary University of London +44 (0) 795 806 99 27
Ms Kai Htang Lashi, (Kachin National Organization) at +44 (0)79 20 82 66 94
Tun Khin, Burmese Rohingya Organization UK at +44 (0) 78 88 71 48 66
Dr Malik Mujahid, Burma Task Force (Justice For All), Chicago, USA at
Azril Mohd Amin, Centre for Human Rights Research and Advocacy (Centhra), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia at +60123037110
Dr Maung Zarni (UK) at +44 (0)77 10 47 33 22
Monday, 6th March – Location 313 Laws Building QMUL, Queen Mary University of London
10.00 START
10.00 – 10.10
Announcement of day’s programme by members of Steering Committee and Organising Committee (represented by Dr Maung Zarni)
10.10 – 10.45
Presentation by the PPT Secretariat stating procedures and methodology (Dr Gianni Tognoni)
10.45 – 11.10
Rohingya and Kachin present their respective accusations against the Myanmar state
- Ronnie, Arakan Rohingya National Organization
- Ringdu Lachyung, President, Kachin National Organization (UK)
11.10 – 12.15
Kachin Victim Statement & Expert Statements
- Dr Mandy Sadan, Associate Dean of Research (Art and Humanities), School of Oriental and African Studies & author Being and Becoming Kachin: Histories beyond the State in the Borderworlds of Burma (OUP, 2013)
- Ringdu Lachyung, President, Kachin National Organization (UK)
- Kachin video clips presentation (Kachin Baptist leader)
12.15 – 12:30 – Coffee break
12.30 – 13.30
Rohingya victim statements on 1978 King Dragon Operation against Rohingya (to be followed by Q & A)
- Tun Khin to present recorded testimonies of Rohingya rape victims, and victims of recent attacks (plus video testimonies)
- U Ba Sein (Rohingya Blogger, originally from Maung Daw, N. Rakhine State),
- Daw Khin Hla (Rohingya blogger, originally from Maung Daw, N. Rakhine State)
13.30 – 14.30 – LUNCH
14.30 – 16.30
Expert Testimonies I on the Rohingya
- Azril Amin and 5 Malaysian Lawyers representing Rohingya victims in Malaysia
- Professor Michael Charney (SOAS) on the ethnic identities and claim to indigeneity in Rakhine or Arakan (11 minutes)
- Dr Maung Zarni to discuss the military-controlled state and its role in the persecution of Rohingya, Kachin and other groups (10 minutes)
16.30 – 18.00
Expert Testimonies II on the Rohingya
- Key findings from OCHR’s flash Report, based on mission to Bangladesh (official video clip from UN press conference, 3rd February 2017, Geneva)
- Ro Nay San Lwin, Rohingya researcher and blogger (via video link), to discuss incidents and patterns of attacks on Rohingya civilians since 9th October 2016
18.00 END
Tuesday, 7th March – Room 313, School of Law, QMUL
09.00 START
09.00 – 09.45
Prosecution Team summary and formal indictment
- Penny Green and Thomas MacManus (International State Crime Initiative), Rosal Azmin Bin Ahmad (Centre for Human Rights Research and Advocacy, Malaysia)
10:00 – 10:30
Closing remarks/comments/proposals from members of Jury & PPT
10.30 – 11.30
Press Conference
- Announcing Full and Final Session and jury deliberations KL, Malaysia 2017
- PPT Preliminary indictment and summary of first tribunal session
- Recorded/Written Statements
- Written Statement from the Dalai Lama (3 minutes)
- Amartya Sen’s recorded elaboration on the slow genocide of Rohingya (5 minutes)
Line-up for press conference speakers:
- Lord Nazir Ahmed, PPT Jury Member (TBC)
- PPT Representative
- BROUK/Arakan Rohingya National Organization Representative
- KNO Representative Ms Kai Htang Lashi
Formal Closing Remarks by Representative from the ISCI Host
12.30 – Lunch
ISCI is based in the School of Law at Queen Mary University of London:
School of Law
Queen Mary University of London
Mile End Road
London E1 4NS
The nearest tube stop is Mile End. When you come out of Mile End cross over the road straight away, then turn left. Carry on walking for 5 minutes or so, crossing over another road. QMUL will be on your right, through the blue gates.
For Room 313 (Law School): After turning right through the blue gates, take the first left, walk down the narrow path to the Law School which will be on your left. Room 313, where we will hold several of the meetings, is on the 3rd floor.
Please contact Louise Wise if you have any difficulties:; 07900073348 or 0207 882 6411