ISCI is a cross-disciplinary research centre working to further our understanding of state crime: organisational deviance violating human rights

'Introduction: The Advance of State Crime Scholarship (Vol. 1, No. 1, Spring 2012, pp. 5-7)'

  • Introduction: The Advance of State Crime Scholarship, Penny Green, Tony Ward and Kristian Lasslett, State Crime Journal, Vol. 1, No. 1 (Spring 2012), pp 5 - 7


With this issue we launch the first journal devoted to the study of state crime – the violence and corruption perpetrated or instigated by governments that makes up much of the most serious criminal activity in today’s world. State crime is increasingly recognized as a sub-discipline of criminology, but while our own intellectual background is in this field, many of the most significant contributions to state crime scholarship come from anthropologists, psychologists, political scientists, and writers on international relations and foreign policy. Part of our
at the International State Crime Initiative (ISCI) ( has been to draw together this broad range of scholarship in a forum which more clearly articulates a defined intellectual field.

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