ISCI is a cross-disciplinary research centre working to further our understanding of state crime: organisational deviance violating human rights

E. Sokirianskaia, Bonds of Blood? State-Building and Clanship in Chechnya and Ingushetia, reviewed by Marat Iliyasov

SCJ 13(1) – front cover (tiny)

State Crime Journal – 13(1)

by Marat Iliyasov

The book Bonds of Blood? State-Building and Clanship in Chechnya and Ingushetia by Ekaterina Sokirianskaia is a solid study that contributes to the understanding of state-building in relation to local traditions and customs. The book analyzes the case studies of Chechnya and Ingushetia—two very similar republics mainly populated by the Chechen and Ingush people who share many commonalities. Both ethnic groups are neighbours and have lived in the North Caucasus for centuries sharing large periods of history. Culturally they are so close that it is difficult to pinpoint differences in their traditions and customs. They speak such similar languages that one can understand the other without much effort…(read more).

State Crime Journal – 13(1)